I just found this post saved as a draft waiting to be posted. oops! I'm slacking!
Fall is my FAVORITE time of the year. I love when the air starts to feel... cool. It doesn't happen early enough or last long enough here in Florida but I'll take whatever I can get. One of my favorite parts of fall is the Beautiful, Colorful leaves. I haven't gotten to see true fall leave in years but I still love that somewhere I know they are changing!
We have had a lovely fall so far this year...
~ First, To the Pumpkin Patch!! ~
SO excited to pick pumpkins!
"Look at this one I found!!! It looks like a tulip... and smells like one too!"
Following Daddy on the hunt for the perfect pumpkins!
Little Kinslie exploring the big pumpkins!
Pumpkin hoping!
I guess I didn't get a picture of the pumpkins we picked but we each found one, just the right size!
The Fall Loving, Pumpkin Picking, Bare Family
~ Then Painting and Carving Pumpkins ~
Nana gave Ella a Pinkalicious book about pink pumpkins at the pumpkin patch so of course she had to try it and Lucas wanted his to be blue!
Here in Florida we have to wait till the day before we want to display our pumpkins to carve them or they will rot... We were so please with how they turned out! Daddy and Mommy did all the carving. It harder work than I expected.
A mid-carving snack. Peanut butter cup brownies and milk. Yumm!!!
Finished! Left to right: Ella's - Hello Kitty. Brian's - Mario. Krissie's - Princess Peach. Lucas' - Woody.
~ Then The Harvest Festival at Church ~
Lucas is Woody and Ella is Pikachu. Kinslie is just our little pumpkin. -cute
Kinslie wanted to play games too and dress up like Woody.
Lots of fun, Lots of candy = happy kiddos
Hope you are having a Lovely Fall Season!