Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and cultivate faithfulness. Psalm 37:3
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our trip to Kansas and Colorado

Our trip to Kansas and Colorado was absolutely wonderful! Our flight out to Kansas City was smooth and quick then we had a 3 hour drive to my grandparents farm in Abilene Kansas. This is the first time my mother's entire family has been together in 3 years! The following morning we all caravaned out to Estes Park, Colorado. (an 8 hour drive) We stayed at a lodge at the YMCA of the rockies. We spent 3 days there for a family reunion with all of my grandfather's siblings and families. While we were there we got to do some shopping in Estes Park, Brian went golfing and we went hiking in Rockie Mountain National Park. The mountains there are just so amazing! Brian has never been to Colorado so he was even more amazed with the size of the mountains there.

After the reunion we went back to my grandparents farm for another 3 days. Going to the farm is such a sweet time for me. Growing up it was a very special place to visit since we didn't get to go as often as we would have liked since we lived so far away. We just spent a lot of time resting and visiting with family... and a little antique shopping, of course.

Again out traveling home was smooth. We even got to ride first class on our last flight.

It was just so nice to get away from the business of life and get to spend so much time with Brian and the kids! The Lord really blessed us with a lot of sweet moments with those who I don't get to see often and those who I see every day! I'm so thankful for my family!!!

Thank you to those of you who prayed for our safety! Hope you enjoy some pictures of the trip!

Flying to Kansas - Cousins swinging on the farm

Helping Great Grandma water her flowers - The whole Family

Overlooking Estes Park

Super fun slide!


Alberta Falls

Mini golf at the Y

Family pic!

Grandpa and Grandma Engle at their farm house

Ella and her cousin Duke loved to run around the farm and visit the cows

First Class

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Smiles and Giggles

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

Lucas was 8 weeks on Wednesday! The time is flying by fast but we are enjoying every minute of it!

Last Friday I took Lucas to the doctor because he was sounding congested. He is just fine, turns out I was just being an over cautious mommy. While we were there we weighed both of the kids. Lucas is 10 pounds now and Ella is 22 1/2 pounds!

Lucas has started cooing last week! I can't remember Ella trying so hard to make noise. He tries with all his might and then when he gets a coo out he is so pleased with himself. It's so cute!

First Smiles

What adorable lips and chin

Ella has started to become quite witty! She always has a quick reply for us! And she really loves to sing! It's so special for me to hear her singing "Jesus loves me" while playing or to pass the time in the car. Her favorite activity these days is definitely swimming! She is swimming with arm floaties on all by herself! She also loves to go fishing with Daddy. Brian took her to get her very own fishing pole and tackle box. They haven't caught anything in our little ponds here in the neighborhood yet but they have a blast together anyway!

banging on her "pokanut" drums

Painting a whale

after a green lilipop