Today I was surprised with a sweet baby shower! And when I say surprised... I mean SURPRISED! The girls planning the shower and my family did such a great job keeping it a secret from me! Everyone said I am fun to surprise but I think it's just because I'm completely oblivious! Especially being pregnant, my mind just isn't putting simple things together like that!
My, oh so sneaky, friend Chelsea and I were going to run a couple of errands and she needed to "stop at this little tea shop for a wedding gift for a friend" and there were all these friends of mine sitting there! It took hearing surprise and Bev saying "this is your baby shower" before I actually put it all together! :o) How sweet of a surprise it was to have my Mother, Sister, Grandmother and dear sisters in Christ there to be excited and praise the Lord with me about our upcoming arrival of Lucas! They truly showered me with love and gracious gifts!
Thanks to all of you!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Showered with Blessings!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Coming Soon... Baby Boy
Monday morning I had my weekly OB visit. After getting checked my doctor said that we could schedule to be induced if I wanted to. He said I was only 1 cm dilated but 50% effaced and the baby is at a -2 station. In other words, well on our way to being ready. Since I was induced with Ella and that went so well Brian and I had been talking about that being a posability again. So we scheduled an induction for May 7th, if little Lucas doesn't decide to come before then, that is! To quote Dr. Litt, "I wouldn't be surprised to see this baby soon" The Doctor said that since I am showing such signs of being ready for labor it should be a very easy induction! Sounds good to me! :o)
I'm really super excited to meet this little boy of ours, so knowing when is kind of fun! Brian seems to think he'll be early but we'll just have to wait and see! It's all in the Lords timing!
Friday, April 18, 2008
A feeling of failure
Today we gave up on potty training. After a 4 week attempt I decided that Ella just isn't completely ready. As much as she desires to keep her panties dry she just doesn't seem to be able to tell me before it's too late! I also thought it might be best if I didn't have to run to the potty so urgently when the baby comes. Maybe in a month or two, once we get into the swing of things with Lucas here, Ella will be ready to give it a try again. Hopefully giving her some more time will result in a connection between the feeling with the verbal part.
This decision was quite a hard one... Honestly I had to admit that it was my own pride that made me hesitate in letting us "fail". The idea that my baby wasn't as "advanced" as I believe she is and admitting that I couldn't make it happen are humbling. But I think this is the best decision for Ella and us for right now.
I am so thankful that the Lord is Faithful to us!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Something New
We are trying something new here on our website... I've never used a blog before but it seems pretty cool and quite easy to update! So here it goes for my first blog entry! ...